Life has been hectic since school ended.
Daughter has had different schedules, some evening shift, some day shift, and some 12-hr. shifts, due to working two different (successive) temporary jobs.
Granddaughter has attended school-sponsored music (day) lessons and has had summer outings with family and friends. She is currently working on 4-H projects. We are looking for the party dress and shoes she needs for the county fair junior queen pageant. The county fair here is a big event and is attended by thousands. Three years ago she entered and I made her dress. I don't know if I will make it this year. Nearly all of the sewing patterns available are the same style--flower girl style with fitted bodice and gathered skirt. Nothing is pretty, stylish, and also age-appropriate(no spaghetti straps). I already made the one unique pattern I could find for her first pageant.
I have been embroidering and sewing. I made small stuffed elephants, embroidered bookmarks, and stuffed dolls (complete with clothing). I sold a few things at a church fair. I had started sewing the dolls years ago for granddaughter, but now she doesn't play with dolls anymore. I also sold my peacock scissor fob.
Well, my sewing/craft table looks like a tornado hit it. I have a lot of sorting/cleaning up to do.
I have started my Summer House for the HOE exchange, and am about 1/2 finished. I will make the deadline.
Oh, forgot to say that I just got a copy of "Artisan Bread in Five Minutes A Day." I don't have the required baking stone and am not going to put water in my oven to make steam. I will be letting you know how the recipes work out for me. First I need to buy the plastic container for the dough storage. I will probably be trying some recipes just doing them the regular way, and not refrigerating the dough. Right now I'm planning to bake the olive-stuffed flatbread.
I'll post pictures when I can. Keep on stitching!